Iskorak is a civil society association founded in 2002 with the mission of promoting and protecting human rights of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia, especially the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals and advocating their participation in society as Croatian citizens with equal rights.
Association goals are:
- Advocacy and improvement of public policies for the protection of the rights of sexual and gender minorities, as well as persons living with HIV/AIDS;
- Improvement of health, and access to health and social services in order to improve the quality of life of sexual and gender minorities, as well as persons living with HIV/AIDS;
- Development, improvement and advocacy of a sociocultural infrastructure in order to increase social inclusion of sexual and gender minorities, and persons living with HIV/AIDS, and achieve a more egalitarian participation in society for them;
- Advocacy of social changes by integrating education, activism and research as well as contributing to the development of democratic and civil society, protection and promotion of human and civil rights and liberties.
The Association goals are realized through following activities:
Development and stimulation of volunteering; Monitoring public policies and advocating legislative changes and the adjustment of implementation mechanisms with the goal of protecting and affirming the rights of socially threatened and vulnerable groups; Fighting discrimination and violence against sexual and gender minorities, as well as persons living with HIV/AIDS; Education of general and professional public, members and target groups on improvements and protection of human rights and health through extra-institutional models of education; Organization of workshops, seminars and lectures in accordance with the goals of the Association.

Subversive Front works on promoting critical non – patriarchal approach to gender and sexuality, on opening non –homophobic debate on the rights of people who do not identify with the dominant heteronormative values, on strategies for creating a positive social and political environment for these people as well as organizing a queer and LGBTIQ community which will get motivated to take part in the campaign and fight for equal rights.
Subversive Front’s mission is to work on promoting of a more critical, unconventional, non-patriarchal approach towards the identification to any existing category in the area of gender and sexuality, and thus to work on recognition, introduction and promotion of the rights and status of people with differences that do not identify with the dominant heteronormative categories in North Macedonia, as well as their protection and support by creating strong political movement in North Macedonia that would work to create a favorable and acceptable climate for the people with a different approach to gender and sexuality.
Subversive Front’s strategic goals and main activities include: promotion of a critical, creative, queer,non-patriarchal approach to gender and sexuality through a variety of public,educational, institutional actions and debates that will aim to offer the individual a bigger space for identification or non-identification in terms of gender and sexuality, working on policies and strategies to create a favorable social and political climate for recognition of the rights and status of people who do not identify with the patriarchal and heteronormative approaches to gender and sexuality.
Our five strategic fields are: advocacy for LGBTIQ rights, research and policies on LGBTIQ, training and education on gender and sexuality, services of free psycho-social and legal aid for LGBTIQ,and fundraising for LGBTIQ projects and initiatives.